And then the gifts... Chel was already crying.
Here is the tree that was presented to Chel up close. All of the ornies were created by ZNE members from around the world!
Lani Kent sang a beautiful song with her AMAZING voice!
Me and the wonderful, sweet, Patty Victoria
Chel with Andrea, the director of the "1000 Journals Project" film. You really MUST see the film!
Me holding one of the original journals from the project. These things were AMAZING!
This is the house where we stayed for the remainder of the trip. The house and the VIEW was INCREDIBLE! I didn't want to come home!
I stayed in the master bedroom with Lani Kent and Joanna Pierotti! They were wonderful roomies :)
This was the jacuzzi tub. Of course I had to try it - wouldn't you? Oh my it was heaven!
On Saturday morning before Mossy's class I sat on this ledge for almost an hour, just soaking in the view. It was indescribable!
Joanna Pierotti's (Mossy's) class!
Here we are very proud of our finished pieces. Joanna was a fantastic teacher!
Here is my finished piece.
After class Mossy and I relaxed for a bit.
Later that night, we headed to the Blue Agave for the ZNE dinner. Yum!
Here I am with Gina Smith from Indiana. We had to travel all the way to California to meet - but it was worth it!
Me, Tina Curtis, Lani Kent, Lisa Kaus, and Joanna Pierotti
Me and Donna Cook
Sunday we arrived at the Veteran's Memorial for the Vendor's Fair!
Here's my booth. We only had an hour to set up, so it was the best I could do. I met several wonderful people by participating in this event, and I about fell over, when THE Sally Jean Alexander came over and purchased my Halloween Image CD!
There I am in the green. I enjoyed meeting Shoshanah Jennings of Hannah Grey Curiosities and Dry Goods, pictured across from me.
After the long day of sales (which was a success) I settled in here....
Joanna Pierotti also gave me this beautiful gift, which I adore. I have it hanging in my bedroom :).
Monday morning before leaving for the airport with Dawn DeVries Sokol, author of 1001 Journal Pages. She inspired me to try journaling and we're planning a trade so I can get my hands on one of her handmade blank journals. They're gorgeous and I can't wait! (*Kitties!* you had to be there.)
Until next year, I will miss you all dearly!