Okay, so after Julie challenged me to post my messy art studio, I was inspired to clean it today! I spent the last 7 hours cleaning, and throwing away trash (not the good kind of trash either) and it feels so good! Thank you Julie!
The "scary closet" is scary no longer!
I even have a place for all my soldering stuff now!
And LOOK, the closet doors CLOSE! They've never done that before! lol!
I love this space on top of my cabinets where art from friends and loved ones sits!
And under the cabinets on the other side I have my personalized Claudine Hellmuth Poppet that the fabulous Chel from ZNE bought for me as a gift :)
My studio seems so empty now - must go buy more stuff :).
Because I had such a great response to my Digital Collage Sheet giveaway I decided to have three winners! I used a random number generator to pick the three, and here are the results! Comments 5, 36, & 34 Jodie Kirsi Gaby Bee That was fun! Thank you for all your lovely comments! I'll do this again soon! xoxo, Kris
I've been seeing several bloggers posting their "art mess" as a challenge that seems to have started with Julie Molina. I'd love to see your creative space too. Come on - don't be shy! Here is my nice clean art studio - this was about a year ago when I just moved in. And here we are now.... lots of clutter - I need more space! Or I need to stop buying stuff!
I'm in the mood for a GIVEAWAY! Visit my new site, Retro Cafe' Art Gallery, and let me know which DIGITAL Collage Sheet is your favorite (Please post the comment HERE, not on the site). On Saturday March 22 I'll randomly select a winner to receive the digital sheet of your choice! If I have several posts, there may be more than one winner. Please leave your email in the post so I know where to send the winning sheets! I'll post the winner on Saturday March 22. Happy Spring!
I have a few thankyous to give out for my birthday! My dear sweet friend Diana Belton (redandgreenbutterfly) gave me this FABULOUS goodie box full of vintage lace, fabric images, flowers, and much more as she knows I just recently got my sewing machine :). I can't wait to play! THANK YOU!
I also need to thank the sweet Kelly Seaton for sending me this wonderful, funky, chic collage ring! I love it! THANK YOU my friend!
And last but not least, thank you to the friend (who I think would prefer to remain anonymous) for giving me this HUGELY WONDERFUL bottle of UTEE. I'm sure I'll have some fun with this! THANK YOU!!!!
Here are some swap cards I made for the next Indiana Altered Arts ATC swap. The theme was "women", and I had the chance to play with my new sewing machine again. The itty bitty ziplock bags I bought at a stamp convention I attended last weekend and they are SO CUTE I could just eat them up! I also tried some Luminere paints for the first time on the backgrounds.
Thanks to all for the wonderful birthday wishes. It was a lovely day indeed. I worked today, but when I got home Chris had baked me a cake, and last night he had given me my presents. Two types of dremmel tools and a mini shop vac to vacuum up the metal dust! People at work looked at me like I was crazy when I told them, but I'm sure you understand :). And best of all, I received two emails from Somerset Studios today, letting me know two of the pieces I submitted would be published in the Summer 08 Gallery Edition :). Happy Day! I saved everyone some cake! (okay, so maybe this picture is a bit dated) :).
....of my twenties that is. Tomorrow, March 6, is my birthday and I'll be 29. Just one year from entering my thirties. To some extent that scares me, however most people tell me that their thirties is their favorite time? What do you think? Soon this will be me..... :). I hope to be eating lots of cake tomorrow! I'll save you some!
We LOVE seeing the art you create using Retro Cafe Art Gallery products! Email your photos to retrocafeart@gmail.com. We often feature customer art on our blog and Facebook Fan Page! xo