Happy weekend everyone! It's starting to warm up around here, and I'm dreaming of Spring! What could be better than springtime fairies and mushrooms! This weeks goodies were inspired by Design Team Member Cat Kerr's ADORABLE project below. And of course, my own love for the wee wood folk! We also have new Paper Flowers, Collage Sheets, and more! Soak in that sunshine!
Art Time With Cat Kerr!
Do you believe in fairies? Well, we certainly do! Especially after seeing these amazing creations by Design Team Member Cat Kerr, who also inspired this week's goodies! We are especially in love with the sweet little cages she created from the Pedestal Shrines for the wee Fairies. So beautiful Cat! Stop by Cat's blog for the tutorial, more photos, supply links, and a bit of magic: http://
Inspiration By Amy Nieman!
An adorable little Star Shrine by Design Team Member Amy Nieman! Loving the glittery goodness of this sweet piece. The trinkets make great magnets too! So lovely Amy!Star Shrine Trinket: http://www.retrocafeart.com/item_3851/Star-Trinket-Shrine--PACK-OF-2.htm
Inspiration By Chrissy Colon!
This wonderfully enchanting crown was created by the talented Chrissy Colon! Amazing rust, textures, and creativity Chrissy! Stop by Chrissy's blog for more glorious photos, step outs, and supply links: http://www.thetwistedmuse.com/2016/02/a-regal-crown.html
Inspiration By Mary Jane Chadbourne!
We are so in love with these sweet altered fairy brushes by Mary Jane Chadbourne! Beautiful, bold colors, and did you notice the fairies are wearing artist berets? So wonderfully creative Mary Jane!
Small Primitive Angel Art Doll Cut Outs: http://www.retrocafeart.com/item_5822/Small-Primitive-Angel-Art-Doll-Cut-Outs-Tall--Set-of-3.htm
She Also Used Our Metal Wings and Santos Head Paper Cuts