Drum roll please.....
and the winner of the lovely eyelet set is number 18 scarycheri!!!!
and because it's Halloween I wanted to give out a few more treats so I let the random number generator pick 2 more winners to receive a digital collage sheet.
Those winners are number 6 crooked heart art~ tabby and number 98 altered rounte.
Thanks for playing! I just might have another eyelet set to give away next month so check back!
On another note, today at work we had a pumpkin decorating contest. Each department had one to decorate, and my department - Therapy won first place! Below is our spider pumpkin. Yes, her body is the pumpkin, which was painted black and covered with glitter spray. It was my first time altering a pumpkin!
But what I'm really in love with are the babies. I saved one to keep at my desk :). Happy Halloween!