As promised, here are some pictures from my recent trip! We cruised to Cococay Bahmas, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten in that order. I'm completely IN LOVE with snorkeling and the food was to die for! In St. Maarten and St. Thomas I took some fabulous pictures of weathered doors that will be making an appearance in my new collage sheets. My honey thought I was crazy for taking the pictures, but I'm sure you understand!
I took over 250 pictures but here are some of my favorites!
The Boat (14 floors!) and over 5,000 people!

The view from the boat most of the time...

Cococay Bahamas

Cococay with our boat behind us... the boat didn't dock here.. we had to ride a smaller boat from our boat to the island.


St. Thomas

St. Thomas

Yes, they have McD's even in St. Thomas! lol!

Wish I were feeling this again...


Clear, clear, water!

Our WONDERFUL table mates each dinner and amazing servers!!!! Dinner was always a highlight!

We took a few professional photos. This is from one of the formal nights.

Just for fun...

This was SO COOL! We rode in these under water scooters called "The BOSS underwater sea adventure"! We were about 20 ft. down. They said there are only 8 places in the world that have these!

So which photo is your favorite???? I had a BLAST, but I missed my art and my art buddies!!!!